*Mongolia song: National anthem of Mongolia*
*Our sacred independent country*
*Is the ancestral hearth of all Mongols,*
*May all of the world's good deeds*
*Will prosper and continue for eternity.*
*Our country will strengthen relations*
*With all righteous countries of the world.*
*And let us develop our beloved Mongolia*
*With all our will and might.*
*Our great nation's symbol blesses us*
*And the people's fate supports us*
*Let us pass on our ancestry, culture and language*
*From generation to generation.*
*The brilliant people of the brave Mongolia*
*Have gained freedom and happiness,*
*The key to delight, and the path to progress.*
*Majestic Mongolia — our country, live forever.*
*Majestic Mongolia — our country, live forever.*
*Author: Tuyet Huynh*
*Contact: tuyethuynh11112021@gmail.com*