*A song from Monaco: Hymne Monégasque*
*Despoei tugiù, sciü d'u nostru paise*
*Se ride aù ventu, u meme pavayun*
*Despoei tugiù a curù russa e gianca*
*E stà l'emblèma d'a nostra libertà*
*Grandi e piciui, l'an sempre respetà*
*Amu ch'üna tradiçiun,*
*Amu ch'üna religiun,*
*Amu avüu per u nostru unù*
*I meme Principi tugiù*
*E ren nun ne scangera*
*Tantu ch'u suriyu lüjerà;*
*Diu sempre n'agiüterà*
*E ren nun ne scangera*
*Forever, in our land,*
*One flag has flown in the wind*
*Forever, the colours red and white*
*Have symbolised our liberty*
*Adults and children have always respected them.*
*We have perpetuated the same traditions;*
*We celebrate the same religion;*
*We have the honour*
*To have always had the same Princes.*
*And nothing will change*
*As long as the sun shines;*
*God will always help us*
*And nothing will change.*
*Author: Tuyet Huynh*
*Contact: tuyethuynh11112021@gmail.com*