*The Lebanese National Anthem*
*All of us! For our Country, for our Glory and Flag!*
*Our valor and our writings are the envy of the ages.*
*Our mountain and our valley, they bring forth stalwart men.*
*And to Perfection we devote our words and labor.*
*All of us! For our Country, for our Glory and Flag!*
*All of us! For our Country!*
*Our Elders and our children, they await our Country's call,*
*And on the Day of Crisis they are as Lions of the Jungle.*
*The heart of our East is ever Lebanon,*
*God has preserved her until the end of time.*
*All of us! For our Country, for our Glory and Flag!*
*All of us! For our Country!*
*The Gems of the East are her land and sea.*
*Throughout the world her good deeds flow from pole to pole.*
*And her name is her glory since time began.*
*The cedars are her pride, her immortality's symbol.*
*All of us! For our Country, for our Glory and Flag!*
*All of us! For our Country!*
*Author: Tuyet Huynh*
*Contact: tuyethuynh11112021@gmail.com*