*StudyVietnameseWithTuyet^^* - *HocTiengVietVoiTuyet^^*

Cò Lả -
Author: Dân ca đồng bằng Bắc Bộ (North Folk song)

* Con cò cò bay lả lả bay la*

* kon ko ko bay la la bay la*

* Bay từ từ cửa phủ bay ra ra*

* Bay tư tư kưa fu bay ra ra*

* cánh đồng tình tính tang tang tính tình*

* kanʰ doŋ tinʰ tinʰ taŋ taŋ tinʰ tinʰ*

* duyên tình rằng duyên tình ơi rằng có*

* juyên tinʰ răŋ juyên tinʰ ơi răŋ ko*

* nhớ nhớ tôi chăng rằng có biết biết*

* nʰơ nʰơ tôi t͡ɕăŋ răŋ ko biêt biêt*

* tôi chăng *

* tôi t͡ɕăŋ *

* English translation:*

* The stork stork is flying flying flying. *

* Flying from the big house flying through through the fields.*

* Tinh tinh tang tang tinh tinh.*

* Oi My venus my venus oi!*

* Do you remember me? Do you know me?*

* The analysis of sentence structures from T^^*

* 1st sentence: “Con cò cò bay lả lả bay la.”*

* Con cò: The stork (noun-subject)*

* Cò: repeated in a song*

* Bay: to fly (verb) *

* Lả: followed to “bay” to form “bay lả” meaning flying – words used in a song*

* Lả bay la: lả and la followed to “bay” to form “lả bay la” meaning fly – words used in a song. *

* 2nd sentence: “Bay từ từ cửa phủ bay ra ra cánh đồng.”*

* Flying from the big house flying through through the fields.*

* The stork subject was hidden.*

* Bay: to fly (verb)*

* Từ từ ~ từ: from (adv). The second “Từ” is just a repeat to create an effect in a song ~ the melody.*

* Cửa phủ: big house (noun) ~ rich houses in the time before industrialization period. *

* Bay: to fly (verb)*

* Ra ra: to, through (Adv). The second “ra” is just a repeat to create an effect in a song ~ the melody.*

* Cánh đồng: fields (noun- helping words to complement adv “ra” to form an adv phrase)*

* 3rd sentence: “Duyên tình rằng duyên tình ơi.”*

* Duyên tình rằng: Oh my venus.*

* Duyên tình ơi: my venus oi.*

* Duyên tình: Venus (noun). Some Vietnameses I know including me, we believe that love sometimes depends on the venus that means whether the two persons can meet, fall in love, get married to each other depends on our fates. *

* 4th sentence: “Rằng có nhớ nhớ tôi chăng rằng có biết biết tôi chăng.”*

* Rằng: that to link the previous sentence ~ after calling the girl he secrecly loves in dream or in his mind.*

* Có nhớ nhớ tôi chăng: Do you remember me?*

* You subject was hidden.*

* Nhớ nhớ: to remember (verb). The second “nhớ” is just a repeat to create an effect in a song ~ the melody.*

* Tôi: me (pronoun – direct object)*

* Có…chăng?: question sentence*

* Rằng: that to link the previous sentence ~ after calling the girl he secrecly loves in dream or in his mind.*

* Có biết biết tôi chăng: Do you remember me?*

* You subject was hidden.*

* Biết biết: to remember (verb). The second “biết” is just a repeat to create an effect in a song ~ the melody.*

* Tôi: me (pronoun – direct object)*

* Có…chăng?: question sentence*